Since our inception we have specialized in all types of electrical items .We are the authorized distributors for Osram and Venture lighting products as well as the authorized dealer for MAKITA AND HIOKI products which has helped us create a name for ourselves in the market within a short period of time .The company has grown to become more specialized in the supply of electrical accessories and machinery tools with strategic marketing and supply network from around the world.

Clients achieved throughout the years, consists of star hotels, shopping centers, engineering companies, trading companies, real estates, multi-storey commercial buildings, hospitals, sports complexes, leisure clubs, public areas, schools, palaces etc.

Our team is well trained to understand and provide the best electrical and mechanical solutions to any type of requirement and can meet all needs in very high standards. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is a priority in our business. The knowledge, experience, quality product and reliability of the company enable us to face the future with confidence.

The company represents and distribute products of several international companies specialized in electrical and machinery supplies. We have full range of MAKITA POWER TOOLS, HIOKI ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, OSRAM and VENTURE LAMPS in our stock. And our prices are proven very competitive in the market.

Our confidence that we can meet all your needs in very high standards and quality of product is what takes us from strength to strength. For any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact us.